The page contains photos of lithographs commissioned by Othniel Charles Marsh (Professor of Paleontology at Yale University). On many of the scans, you will see the following notation: “F. Berger, del” on the lower left, and “E. Crisand, lith. New Haven” on the lower right. This indicates that the artist (delineator) working for Marsh was Frederick Berger. Emil Crisand worked as the lithographer for the printers in New Haven and prepared the images for printing, transferring the original drawing to the lithographic stone. When you see a fraction after Marsh’s name, it indicates the scale of the drawing, e.g. 1/2 indicates that the scale of the drawing is half the size of the original fossil.
These lithographic prints were donated to the Peoria Academy of Science April 14, 1937 by Ms. Gertrude A. Pauli (then a teacher at Whitier School in Peoria, Illinois). These lithographs are presently housed at the Peoria Riverfront Museum.
Each of the thumbnail links below will expand to a larger photo. If you would like access to larger photos, please reach out to us.
Apatosaurus ajax – Sauropoda Plate XXIX
Brontops robustus – Brontotheridae Plate L
Brontops robustus – Brontotheridae Plate LI
Brontops robustus – Brontotheridae Plate LII
Brontops robustus – Brontotheridae Plate LIII
Brontops robustus – Brontotheridae Plate LVI
Brontosaurus excelsus – Sauropoda Plate XX
Brontosaurus excelsus – Sauropoda Plate XXII
Brontotherium gigas – Brontotheridae Plate LIV
Brontotherium gigas – Brontotheridae Plate LV
Brontotherium gigas – Brontotheridae Plate LVII
Brontotherium gigas – Brontotheridae Plate LVIII
Diplodocus longus – Sauropoda Plate XXXVI
Morosaurus grandis – Sauropoda Plate XXXI
Morosaurus grandis – Sauropoda Plate XXXVII
Stegosaurus stenops – Stegosauria Plate LIV
Stegosaurus stenops – Stegosauria Plate LVII
Stegosaurus stenops – Stegosauria Plate LXI
Stegosaurus sulcatus – Stegosauria Plate LI
Stegosaurus sulcatus – Stegosauria Plate LII
Stegosaurus sulcatus – Stegosauria Plate LIII
Stegosaurus sulcatus – Stegosauria Plate LVIII
Stegosaurus ungulatus – Stegosauria Plate LXII