Science Grants

The Science Granting Program is designed to help provide funding assistance for the new Peoria area science-oriented educational programs. Eligible grant candidates must:

  • Be involved in some aspect of science, engineering, technology or education.
  • Document record-keeping, with annual reports or annual budgets.
  • Show plans to assume administrative responsibility for the project, including advertising and marketing, if warranted, project supervision, and evaluation. Records will be subject to audit.
  • Complete the application form, duplicate and assemble the packets as requested.
  • Mail the application before the stated deadline. Late applications will not be considered for any reason. The deadline is a postmarked deadline. The Peoria Academy of Science will not be responsible for misdirected or underfunded postage.

Science Granting Awards at our banquet. Shown below is Jim Travis (Board President) and Frank Hitchell (Board Vice President) awarding the 2019 Science Grant to Marj Oesch (from L. E. Starke School, Pekin).

Jim Travis and Frank Hitchell  awarding 2019 science grant to Marj Oesch (L. E. Starke School, Pekin)

Each application will be evaluated by the Science Granting Committee. Committee members are selected by the Board of Directors of the Academy of Science for their knowledge of a variety of disciplines, to ensure a balanced panel. They study, discuss and rank each application based on the following criteria:

  • Appropriateness of the project described in the proposal.
  • Demonstration of overall excellence of the applicant’s work.
  • Ability to administer the program as described in the application.
  • The probable impact the project will have on the community.

The grant application is now in an electronic form, posted below. Please fill the form out and E-Mail the application by November 15. Funded projects must be completed within 1 year after receiving the grant.

Projects should include any or all of the following:

  1. Foster a greater understanding, appreciation or interest in some aspect of science, engineering or technology.
  2. Reach members of the public other than the membership of the applicant organization(s).
  3. Involve underserved populations in our community, such as minorities, rural, elderly, children, handicapped/disabled, and/or students.
  4. Encourage long-term avocations or careers in science, engineering or technology.

Review eligibility requirements and criteria carefully. If unsure on any point, contact the Peoria Academy of Science Grant Committee, Jim Travis, at (309) 645-3609.

  • The supplied COVER PAGE must be used as your cover. If you like to use your logo or other art work, place it below the title box. Don’t add extra pages.
  • Include a one-page cover letter, introducing your organization to the Committee.
  • Be sure to address all topics listed when answering the narrative questions.
  • Complete all sections of the application form, using the most recent information available. Review definition areas you are tempted to leave blank.
  • CHECK YOUR MATH on the budget page. Be sure all columns are totally correct, and line total across correctly. Most errors occur in the budget.

Download complete, then print:
Science Grant Application
(120 kb pdf document) If you wish to complete and submit the form electronically, please download it (most browsers no longer support completing and sending the form in the browser)

The grant application is in PDF format – for a free Adobe Acrobat PDF reader (for any platform – Windows, Mac, Linux, Palm, etc.) go to

Questions contact:

Jim Travis – 309-645-3609,

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