The PDF files linked on this page are scans of lithographs commissioned by Othniel Charles Marsh (Professor of Paleontology at Yale University). On many of the scans, you will see the following notation: “F. Berger, del” on the lower left, and “E. Crisand, lith. New Haven” on the lower right. This indicates that the artist (delineator) working for Marsh was Frederick Berger. Emil Crisand worked as the lithographer for the printers in New Haven and prepared the images for printing, transferring the original drawing to the lithographic stone. When you see a fraction after Marsh’s name, it indicates the scale of the drawing, e.g. 1/2 indicates that the scale of the drawing is half the size of the original fossil.
These lithographic prints were donated to the Peoria Academy of Science in April, 1937. Most dinosaur lithographs are on a separate page.
The video below explains a little about the origin of these illustrations.
Peoria Academy of Science lithographs from Mark DuBois on Vimeo.
For those who would like to learn more about the “Bone Wars,” we recommend this Wikipedia article as a starting point.
We included most dinosaur lithographs on a separate page (with links to larger photographs).
The links below open PDF files of the original artwork. These are arranged by their original scientific names. Each will open in a new browser window/ tab. We also included a thumbnail image of each plate (so you can see the contents before opening the PDF).
Balaena cisarctica plate II
Balaena cisarctica plate III
Balaena cisarctica plate IV
Balaena cisarctica plate V
Balaena cisarctica plate VI
Balaena cisarctica plate VII
Balaena mysticetus plate I
Balaenoptera rostrata plate IX
Peraceras superciliosus plate CXLIVa
Rhachianectes glaucus plate VIII
Stegosaurus armatus plate IV
Stegosaurus duplex plate VIII
Stegosaurus duplex plate XVII
Stegosaurus duplex plate XVIII
Stegosaurus duplex plate XX
Stegosaurus duplex plate XXVIII (added Jan. 2017)
Stegosaurus stenops plate II
Stegosaurus stenops plate III
Stegosaurus stenops plate IX
Stegosaurus stenops plate VII
Stegosaurus stenops plate XIV
Stegosaurus stenops plate XXIV (added Jan. 2017)
Stegosaurus stenops plate XXX (added Jan. 2017)
Stegosaurus ungulatus plate XV
Stegosaurus ungulatus plate XXII (added Jan. 2017)
Stegosaurus ungulatus plate XXIII (added Jan. 2017)
Stegosaurus ungulatus plate XXIX (added Jan. 2017)
Stegosaurus ungulatus plate XXV (added Jan. 2017)
Stegosaurus ungulatus plate XXVI (added Jan. 2017)
Stegosaurus ungulatus plate XXVII (added Jan. 2017)
Symborodon acer plate LXXXVI
Symborodon beloceras and Symborodon altirostris plate XCVI
Symborodon trigonoceras plate XCII
Unnamed illustration plate X
Unnamed illustration plate XI
Unnamed illustration plate XII